
Hub of our apps collection focused on the Cyclades, featuring maps you can use without connection. Travel information, preview of all islands, and much more.

Pivot de notre collection consacrée aux Cyclades, intégrant des cartes utilisables hors connexion, de nombreuses infos utiles, un aperçu de chaque île et bien plus encore.

This app is the hub of a collection of apps focused on the Cyclades Islands, in the Aegean Sea.

This archipelago is one of the cradles of western civilization and a crossroads between Europe and Asia, East and West.

These apps are intended to tease you until you go and visit the Cyclades, and to accompany you during your stay.

No connection required

To use them, you don't need to be connected, except of course for routes and links to webpages.

Maps and POIs are embedded and rely only on the GPS of your iDevice (check the how-to to verify your settings).

A preview of each island, with Athens and Piraeus as a bonus

The iCyclades app features previews of all islands, with a map to locate them and track the trajectory of your ferry.

As a bonus, a map of Athens and Piraeus, with some suggestions, will help you make the most of your visit to the Greek capital.

A growing collection

Individual apps focused on the islands are published gradually. Already available: iParos, iAntiparos, iSyros, iNaxos (including the Small Cyclades), iAndros, iTinos, iMykonos (including Delos), iSantorini, iSifnos, iMilos (including Kimolos), and iAmorgos (including the Small Cyclades too). Moreover, offline maps of all islands are available in GreekMaps (including islands not featured in a detailed guide).

Keep in touch, more apps will be published!

To discover all islands, use the selector below.
The Pictorial Guide of the Cyclades

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